Monday, March 31, 2008

Junior Protector for children - Hand, Foot and Mouth disease

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New plan especially for kids' protection.

- Hospital Cash cover arising from dengue fever, Hand, Foot & Mouth disease, and Food poisoning (up to $100/day)
- Transport allowance (up to $60/accident)
- Medical reimbursement (Traditional Chinese Medical Treatment included)
- Daily companion allowance arising from accidents up to $80/day
- and more, pls click here to email me for enquiries.
- Thanks!

Junior Protector

Our precious little ones mean everything to us. Which is why we do everything we can to ensure their safety and protection. At the same time, we also want the assurance that should accidents occur, we will be financially prepared to handle it.

Guaranteed Acceptance with up to $45,000 Cover for Major Permanent Disablement
Every child can be protected under Junior Protector. Acceptance is guaranteed+ for children age 1 to 16 years old, and this plan is renewable up to age 75.

+ Upon satisfaction of the terms of declaration

Hospital Cash Cover Arising from Dengue Fever, Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, and Food Poisoning
With the increase in cases of dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease, and food poisoning in recent years, Junior Protector has extended the coverage to provide hospital cash cover arising from these 3 ailments.

Up to $30,000 Education Assurance Fund for added security
Upon the accidental death of the policyholder (parent), this fund helps to ensure that the child’s future education and daily expenses are well taken care of.

Unique Daily Companion Allowance Arising from Accidents
You may need to take additional leave to take care of your child in hospital at times. With this special feature, you will receive up to $80 daily to cushion the financial drawbacks of taking time off work.

Key Benefits
Protection 24 hours a day, all year round, anywhere in the world

Up to $30,000 lump sum payout in the event of a fatal accident

Up to $3,000 for Reconstructive Surgery

Covers death and total permanent disability due to terrorism

5% Renewal Discount from the 2nd year onwards