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Posted by M33 at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Perhaps you are contemplating to obtain a degree 3 or 5 years from now, or maybe you are wondering how much the cost of education will be when your kids grow up.
Well, according to the article published on last Sunday on Sunday Times, Jan 15, 2006 - you may need to set aside a substantial amount should you decide to further your studies, or send your kids to the university.
Not surprisingly, education costs will rise with inflation. Hopefully our pay cheque will increase at a rate faster than inflation :-)
Posted by M33 at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: degree costs, education costs, singapore degree, singapore university
Overheard at the coffeeshop from a uncle in his 50s
"Better to die lah, falling sick is worse than dying. So expensive, how to afford the medical expenses?"
He's not alone.
I know of a provision-shop uncle who operates 24/7 in Serangoon. The reason was that he used to have a good friend who fell very sick due to cancer. His good friend's family spent every cent they have on him. With the lost of the breadwinner, they relied on the savings, borrowed and sold everything to get money for his treatment.
Despite all the efforts and struggles, the uncle lost his good friend.
His good friend's family lost a breadwinner, loss of income, end up in debts and is no longer the same. It brought the family into dire circumstances
It was like a wake-up call for the uncle. It prompt him to earn as much money as possible. Which is why his provision-shop is open 24/7. He doesn't want to end up in that kind of situation, nor does he wants to subject his family to this ordeal. He said that he copes by having his wife to work in the morning, while he works from mid-noon all the way to till dawn. From the look of his face, I can see that it's strainful on him, especially for someone his age.
I shared with him that there's another alternative - buying a comprehensive health plan that will pay for all medical bills starting from the first dollar.
He's convinced and much happier today. And I don't see the provision-shop opening 24/7 hours anymore.
Do not underestimate the costs of medical care. Say "No" to huge medical bills. Feel free to send me an email or call 81-888-232 for more information
Posted by M33 at 12:47 AM 0 comments
GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE - For 100 years, Great Eastern has provided our policyholders with peace of mind and financial security. We are the largest insurance group in Singapore and Malaysia with S$ 46.5 billion in assets (as at 19 Feb 2008) and over 3 million policyholders in both countries. With two successful distribution channels – the tied agency force and bancassurance – we are the market leader in both Singapore and Malaysia. We are the only life insurance company to be listed on the Singapore Exchange.
Melvin is a Certified Associate Financial Planner AFP, representing Great Eastern Life Assurance. All comments, suggestions and enquiries are welcome. Please click here to send me an email.